New Normal

Hello To those who read my blog!  It's been a few weeks since I returned from Costa Rica.  A new season has begun and I am getting my footing.  No longer a student, I am back to work (substituting) Monday through Friday, embracing what God has for me each day.

My new normal is very nice so far.  I like the freedom, flexibility, and variety I have in my schedule.   I have a new appreciation for everything, odd, and random, such as:

The order we have in our society.  If you have traveled overseas, you will understand this appreciation.

Groupons!  I just returned from a two-hour kayak excursion from a groupon I purchased earlier in the summer.  It was great fun which I enjoyed with my friend, Shayna.  She works with the Navigators and I like her very much.
This is her chowing down on her juicy peach for lunch on the water :-) We had a very deep conversation about our favorite fruits, and I most decidedly came to the conclusion that peaches are my favorite.  Good to have that settled, huh?  
I also got my oil changed this week for a bargain price through a groupon!

Fall:  this year, maybe more than past years, I am so excited about the season.  I am excited about the change of the weather, wearing my favorite jeans, my boots, fall clothes in general, football games (though I have yet to watch one!), parties, comfort food...  etc.   I love the beautiful morning skies as I drive to my differing assignments each day.  The colors of fall are gorgeous!

Speaking of comfort foods: in the last years I have discovered I love rice pudding!  Go figure! So very comforting, so delicious... such a treat!

Good, Silky Coffee!  Costa Rica ruined me for good: I will no longer be able to drink coffee in which the grains don't float, lacks obvious oil residue, not fresh ground, nor isn't arabica!  I am stocked for a few weeks... but I will have to find a Britt supplier nearby! 

God Assignments:  This is a new perspective God has brought about in my heart and mind.  Each day is a gift from Him.  It comes packed full of purpose and significance from the Lord.  A few days this past week, I felt challenged through small trials to gripe and complain.  Remembering that He has purpose and a reason for me in whatever I am doing or given to do, helped me walk in victory. It is a serious joy supplier to live that way!

My family:  I live quite far from each of my siblings, and therefore all my nieces and nephews.  Lately, I have had a tender desire for them.  As I think of each of them, I pray for them, and realize how precious they all are and how much I miss them.  I really like the little people they are, and what they are becoming.  I love seeing what God is doing in their lives.  I just wish I had a closer view.

Continued growth: I love to keep learning and growing.  I am learning more about many things: photography, food, health/nutrition, and spiritual/emotional healing.  When we stop learning, we stop growing.  There is too much to learn to do that!

I took this today while we were out on the lake: Fun!!

So, Here's to my New Normal!

Mov'in On and Up!


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