Isaiah 12:1-3

"In that day you will say:
"I will praise you, O LORD.
Although you were angry with me (how often we feel He is angry with us...)
your anger has turned away (How great is His compassion towards us!)
and you have comforted me. (oh, His sweet comfort... Psalm 23 reminder... his Rod & Staff Comfort!)
Surely God is my salvation;  I will trust and NOT be afraid.
The LORD, the LORD, is my strength and my song;
He has become my salvation. (I love how we grow into understanding Him as Savior.... day by day, little by little and sometimes by huge leaps and bounds!)
With JOY you will draw water from the wells of salvation! (I LOVE THAT PART!)

Isaiah 12:1-3 with some afterthoughts from me. :-)


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