One Thing I Did This Weekend

My close neighbors had a little baby girl last Saturday.  I thought I would put a bun in the oven for them to enjoy while they enjoyed their New Bun. So... 
I started with some whole grains....

Ground the grain in my mill... 
Put some basic ingredients in my universal mixer...
One scoop at a time....

Sprinkled my cutting board with flour....

Got it just the right consistency.... rolled it, patted it...
.... into a nice little raw bun...

Let them rise for about 45 minutes...

Put them in the oven for 22 minutes...

Hand delivered a hot, steamy fresh loaf of bread to the Bun Makers up the road... came home and ate almost a whole mini-bun myself. Yum.

Yeah, that is what I did Friday Night between watching four episodes of 24.

It was great.

Your Domestic Diva, checkin' out.


notpoems said…
that is wonderful.
...sample? :-)
Sue Magee said…
I could almost smell them baking and am drooling as I write this. Beautiful!

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