Biltmore Weekend Fun

Last weekend some of my good friends and I escaped to Asheville, NC! Our end destination and goal was the Biltmore Estate! We booked a hotel, loaded up the car and headed for the beautiful mountains... and what a treat we had! God richly blessed our adventure... here are a few pictures I wanted to share with you:
I love this one as it was taken right at dusk and the lights in the windows were just so.... perfect.

It was a bit drizzly the first day, but that certainly did not dampen our spirits! The House was magnificent... the Fall Foliage was beyond capturing... the fun priceless!

This is my good friend Carey... we actually first met each other in Mali!! Yes, can you believe it... and here she is attending CIU the same time I am. What a blessing she has been to me!

This is Carey, Melanie and I... God has blessed us with each other so much. These girls are GEMS!
This is me... working with my camera phone... :-) Thankful for what I have!
Doesn't this just look romantic.... i love it!


Melanie said…
Beautiful...looks like something out of a Jane Austen book! The movie..sense & sensibility..had a mansion in it that looks a lot like this one! :)
Let Love Grow said…
Oh i love that movie too ;-)

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