Brighter and Brighter!

PhotobucketThe path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, shining ever brighter till the full light of day. Proverbs 4:18

A friend of mine shared this verse with me many years ago, since then it has become one of my treasured verses. Jesus said in John 10:10 that he came to bring not just life, but abundant life! This morning, my heart has been full of thanksgiving for God's obvious abundant provision for me. These tender feet of mine have covered some difficult terrain over the past few years of my journey and at times it seemed i felt the harshness would do me in, my soul was downcast and the dark clouds loomed over my heart and head. I must confess at times i found it hard to say " God is good"and  hope was far from my heart but i am experiencing a time of refreshing.  I sense his pleasure as I step into the turn in my journey, I am in the right place.

I think "life abundant" doesn't consist of comfortable pillows and cozy walkways, but of growing in the knowledge of our God. So many times Paul prays, "that you my know Him!" Jesus defines eternal life in knowing God! This earth is such a temporary part of our journey: our destiny is found in our Maker, our design is an eternal purpose!


Melanie said… must be working and working!
Great post. Thank you.

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