Eagerly Watch

It's a rough season. I have been in quarantine the last 5 days, my husband isn't letting me out of my space. Initially I have felt fine, just taking precaution after being exposed while at my parents. This morning, when applying some oils on my stuffy ears, I noticed I did not smell the oils, which normally has a lovely strong cinnamon, clove, orange-y smell. Nothing. First true COVID symptom: bummer. So, today I have given into the tiredness and slept. I don't feel awful, just rundown. It's been a hard emotional season these past few months. My parents are not doing well: dad has been mom's best caregiver over the last year, pushing her to improve. Her health has been very fragile since her major episode back in October of 2019. Having an enlarged heart, congestive heart failure looms over her and she has had more and more "episodes" from pulmonary edema: liquid in the lungs. Dad has pushed, pulled, and...