Happy New Year - Review of 2016

Happy New Years!!

So what in the world happen in 2016....

Dear friends got married... and had a baby in ONE year.... that seems almost magical to me especially that she was over 35... there is hope for me???  Marriage is still a hope but I am doing alright single.  Just for your information - free of charge!

I had lots of family adventures which included Alaska, Florida, Georgia, Kansas City and South Carolina.

Health and Simplification...

A 5k and a 10k were completed!!  Cooper Bridge run -5th year!!  Martin Luther King Run - First and training for second.

I completed my first WHOLE30!  This was an amazing experience and I am starting my second one tomorrow!!

"The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying up!" - WHO KNEW but this truly has transformed my life! I have embraced the process and since November I have gone through my clothes, jewelry, toiletries, filing cabinet, and miscellaneous trappings! Through this process, I have created a beautiful, orderly, simplified, and inviting space that I get to enjoy each day!  I still have about 3 categories of things to go through to complete the process, but it truly has been liberating! I love it.... here are some pictures to testify:


This year, the word "deep" could characterize what I experienced.  I have been accused of swimming off into the depths anyhow... but this year... it seemed that that is where my soul, my spirit... plunged, not necessarily by choice either.  I am still swimming through some darker places - pushing forward and seeking God to meet me in these darker places. He is faithful... He has called me His Own, so no matter Where we go - physically, emotionally, and spiritually, He promised to be with us.

I was encouraged through His Word that He leads us on level ground... He is good... and has done great things for us... so we can trust, rest and believe that HE will come through... even when the lights are out.  AND I am Holy to the Lord... (Zech. 14: 20-21; Exodus 19:6) ...He will accomplish His Good,Kingdom purpose through me... a lowly vessel, a plain pot, designed and CHOSEN for His glory.

I am believing 2017 to be a year of LIGHT... of Him shining HIS Light into my personal darkness... and doing more than I ask or imagine.

Blessings to you this NEW YEAR!


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