A Good Start


I hope you are having a fantastic Friday!  I am enjoying a day off, doing things I love this morning, at home, which is the place I love to be.  Sure, I get that tickle to travel now and then, but being home, taking care of what makes my home, home, is a priceless treasure.  I told a dear friend this morning, it makes me feel like a normal woman.

Whenever I use the word "normal" the phrase pops in my head, "what is normal? the setting on your dryer..."  I better stop there before I digress more.  That could get complicated.  It's Friday, complicated topics should be saved till Monday.

Any who... It's been a good start to 2013 for me.

A few things that have made it a good start:

A Detox!  I finally did it.  All last year, I wanted to do a good cleanse/detox.  I have had a few issues with low-iron; frustration with a low energy level drove me to begin taking good supplements (again, as they have been part of my life yet my tight budget pushed those off the "must" purchase, only to find, they are a must, for optimal health!).  As I investigated these symptoms, I knew a general holistic detox would be good.  God did a LOT of cleansing in me last year, and this new year, I finally bit the bullet, and bought a good detox and completed a physical detox!  It was tough: but I am glad I did it!

An opportunity to grow in my photography love!  A friend has invited me to help her as she begins a business/ministry with photography.  She has a mentor to help her improve her skills, and she graciously invited me to participate in their sessions.  Needless I am thrilled with the opportunity!

Another small group: I love teaching, discipling, leading groups.  A fellow pastoral counselor invited me to co-lead a counseling group with her.  I am so thankful my schedule is flexible to allow me to be free to do these things!  God is so good to me.

Taxes!  Well, that is not necessarily a great thing but this year my taxes are significantly less!!  This house finally has my name on the deed.  4% is a lot less than 6%:  let's just say I am taking a huge sigh of relief over this.  Another beautiful way I see God providing and taking care of me.

The Cooper River Bridge Run!  I signed up this week to do it again.  This event was such a highlight of 2012, I had to do it again.  So, the training as begun: it motivates me to get up and move!

A full heart: yes, this is the best thing, it makes a good start great!

This was from my walk this morning, in the 100 Acre Woods.  It's simply a beautiful day!


Stephen Freeman said…
Hi Tammie!
I just found your blog by noticing that your URL is listed as one of the contributing sites of traffic for my blog - and sure enough, there you are :)
I'm glad I found your blog!
Stephen Freeman said…
Hi Tammie!
I just found your blog by noticing that your URL is listed as one of the contributing sites of traffic for my blog - and sure enough, there you are :)
I'm glad I found your blog!

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