"But, Lord..."

I love the story of Lazarus.  I just finished reading it.  There are so many aspects of this story that can be unfolded to reveal God to us.  The whole incident is  - "so that God's Son may be glorified through it."

As I read through it, I noticed a few things and I played with a few of the words:

In verse 5, I played with the names...  "Jesus loved (Tammie) and her (friends) and (others Tammie cares about)...."

I also noticed how often the phrase, "But, Lord..." or "But Rabbi..." and a few other "but..." statements; I love Jesus' kind reminder in verse 40, "Did I not tell you that if you believed you would see the glory of God?"

How often I am hit with challenging circumstances and heavy thoughts, find myself kneeling before My Savior, heavy-laden and distraught... "But Lord...."

He is so patient.

It seems odd to look at that phrase and realize the two words I am using; "But" casts doubt on what I say I believe, as Martha so clearly stated, "I know even now God will give you whatever you ask."  The "but" changes that to say "are you not able? Don't you care?" He IS able and He does care.

The second part is the reframer: "Lord"... He IS Lord.  Nothing is impossible or too hard for the Lord, He is working for His glory and our Good... I can rest in His Lordship.

"Yes Lord" - May I walk in faith believing You Love Me (as well as those I care about and love) and You will answer - so that You will be glorified through my life!


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