
Showing posts from October, 2010

"But, Lord..."

I love the story of Lazarus.  I just finished reading it.  There are so many aspects of this story that can be unfolded to reveal God to us.  The whole incident is  - "so that God's Son may be glorified through it." As I read through it, I noticed a few things and I played with a few of the words: In verse 5, I played with the names...  "Jesus loved (Tammie) and her (friends) and (others Tammie cares about)...." I also noticed how often the phrase, "But, Lord..." or "But Rabbi..." and a few other "but..." statements; I love Jesus' kind reminder in verse 40, "Did I not tell you that if you believed you would see the glory of God?" How often I am hit with challenging circumstances and heavy thoughts, find myself kneeling before My Savior, heavy-laden and distraught... "But Lord...." He is so patient. It seems odd to look at that phrase and realize the two words I am using; "But" casts doub...

Fragments of Fall

Morning on the Mountain. Nothing beats a sunset from this view! What more can I say? It was w-i-n-d-y ... and cold. brrrrr. Gorgeous. I love  this. "He clothes the lillies of the valleys...." Apples! My first time picking in an apple orchard... yummy! Me and Dad. Brasstown Bald, Ga. :-)

No matter What by Kerrie Roberts

....did she read my journal?...

So Simple Even a Child Can Understand!!!

This is about as clear as it gets. God understands............ I love Him. How precious and tender.... may our hearts be so soft to receive... and see and understand His love for us.