Showing posts from 2011
Christmas This Year
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God has given us so much. Christmas being the pinnacle of His Giving of His Son, Jesus Christ, "in the fullness of time..." to come live here on earth, fully man and fully God. The Lord Jesus Christ, the object of our... The substance of our .... The example of perfect... He is the Reason we celebrate with food, family, friends.... And the reason that the Enemy of our Souls, the temporary ruler of this world tries with all his defeated power to distract, destroy, steal and kill from God's Glory. This 2011 Christmas season brought great loss in a dear friends family. Such a horrific loss that it felt like the very breath was taken out of me upon hearing the news. As I processed this loss, I found myself getting angry at the evil intent of the Enemy. I know God, through Christ has overcome death and its sting, and Believers don't grieve as the world grieves: we still grieve, with Hope. I felt angry...
Behind & Before
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Over the last several weeks I have been looking for work as I finish my school. I knew I would be without work for a while and had a confidence from the LORD that it was a time to focus on finishing well. I was sailing through this pretty well until my weeks became a bit too "loose" and scantily scheduled. When I lack structure to my days, everything seems kind of mushy, undefined, heavy. I do enjoy having extra time to have long times with the LORD, go on walks, get house projects done, and spend leisurely time with friends over coffee. Also, it helps to remind myself that 99% of our days I am TOO BUSY so seize the day! Yet with too much extra time on my hands some predictable emotions and thoughts rise up; boredom, impatience with God's timing, questions of my significance and purpose. It's when things get quiet, dark, long... that the fruit of buried doubts and fears poke its head up through the soil of my heart. A few weeks back I noticed I w...
Thoughts on Mary
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It's Christmas time: a season of joy. A time to be with family and loved ones, to celebrate with lights, a beautiful tree, presents and so much food you once again consider a new year's resolution to get back into shape. Yet Christmas... or rather the REAL STORY for why we celebrate Christmas had some awkward, painful, confusing and difficult beginnings. I ran across this verse a few days ago... "But the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, you have found favor with God. You will be with child and give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus. 32 He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever; his kingdom will never end.” Mary most likely knew a divine joy upon learning she would be the one bringing the Messiah into the world, the Son of God, no less!? I would suspect that she did know joy, ye...
Happiness is...
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I have this old hymn running through my head tonight. I remember singing it LOUDLY in my Sunday school classes as a child: Happiness is to know the Savior Living a life within His favor, I love His Favor: "Year of the LORD's Favor" was the Word He gave me in January. It has been drenched with it. Having a change in my behavior Happinesss is the Lord He has definitely challenged me in some areas that have brought about transformation. I love this! His Favor means He never takes His eyes off of me, His heart towards me is ALWAYS GOOD, He never gives up on me and He never fails! Happiness is a new creation Jesus in me in close relation Having a part in His salvation What a wonderful truth to know more and more that I am made in my Creator's Image! He designed me to LIVE in, through, and by Him - "close relation!" - I am never alone. He has made me new in every way, and every day He draws me closer to Him. AND He invites me to be ...
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It's an adventure being a single woman, especially when it involves car maintenance and mechanic shops: not my favorite hang out. G.R.O.S.S. I prefer the local Sears automotive shop connected to the mall. Starbucks and I have at least an hour long date. It is great. Until my phone rings and I hear the inevitable. "Hello, This is Tammie." "Ah, yes, Miss Hull, we have not finished rotating your tires because we wanted to let you know that the insides of your wheels are in bad shape because they are not aligned properly. We recommend new tires and alignment." "What!?" "Ah, yes, ma'am. Do you want us to go ahead and put new tires on?" "What!? ..." So, the conversation digressed until they knew I was about to have a heart attack, they better NOT change my tires, just do what I came in for - a FREE service and give me a quote! Please and thank you. When they handed me the quote, I honestly felt nauseous as I read ...
Known by Audrey Assad
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I love this song. I love the Words. As the dew falls on the blade You have touched all this fragile frame And as a mother knows her baby's face You know me, You know me And as the summer air within my chest I have breathed You deep down into my breast And as You know the hairs upon my head Every thought and every word I've said Every thought and every word I've said Savior, You have known me as I am Healer, You have known me as I was As I will be in the morning, in the evening You have known me, yeah, You know me Oh, and as the exhilaration of autumn's bite Oh, You have brought these tired bones to brilliant life And as the swallow knows, she knows the sky This is how it is with You and I Oh, this is how it is with You and I Savior, You have known me as I am Healer, You have known me as I was As I will be in the morning, in the evening You have known me, yeah, You know From the fall of my heart to the resurrection of my soul You know me, God, and You know my ways In ...
Thankful for...
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1. Family. They made this holiday beautiful in many ways. 2. A place setting especially for me :-) 3. A grand display of God's Love and Beauty... 4. Peace in my heart, because of His Mercy and Grace. 5. A visit with a dear friend from my youth. 6. Lots of FOOD. 7. A toasty fire and perfect FL weather :-) 8. Coming Home - enjoyed my travel time starting with a starbucks stop, a discounted chic-fi-la sandwich (thanks for a coupon!), praise music, time to talk with the Lord, some great podcasts that encouraged my heart and mind, and warm welcomes from my kitties and puppy who missed me. I can tell by their "meeee-ooooows" and excited tail wagging... 9. Christmas time... is here. I may get a miniature real tree this year. Inspired by my sis-in-love. 10. Energy to unpack my bags as soon as I unloaded my car. :-) Exhaustion is setting in as i type...
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In the last few days I have rubbed raw some places on my skin, how acutely painful they are right now. Interestingly, my heart is a bit raw right now too. "He is close to the brokenhearted..." Yes, He is. I think of a few dear friends I know right now, who are raw on the inside. One couple lost a son in the past few months, one man is in a storm, another is in a time of testing. God is in each of these situations, working, answering, acting through the pain. I was struck as I was listening to a song on my nano, based on the verse found in Jeremiah 33, ‘Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.’ I wrote this verse in my journal several weeks ago. I was pressing into the LORD; my heart longed for him to answer me in a certain way. As I listened to the song, I mused: God has answered me. He is showing me great and mighty things. Things I did not know. Not necessarily the ...
Lyrics to Carry Me By Audrey Assad
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Pain is a forest we all get lost in Between the branches hope can be so hard to see And in the darkness we've all got questions We're all just trying to make sense out of suffering but You say I am blessed because of this So, I choose to believe As I carry this cross, You'll carry me Help me believe it Fear is a current we all get caught in And in its motion faith can be so hard to find And we all falter 'cause we're all broken We're all just trying to turn the shadows into light but You get glory in the midst of this And You're walking with me And you say I am blessed because of this So, I choose to believe As I carry this cross, You'll carry me And I know Your promises are faithful And God, I've seen Your goodness in my life And oh, I've found Your mercy is a river Your love is an ocean wide You say I am blessed because of this You get glory in the midst of this And You're walking with me And You say I am blessed because of this So, I choos...
Northern (for a FL Gal) Exposure
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To me life is a journey, thus "trek with Tammie." I like to share the great views, the amazing discoveries, the vibrant springs and delicious green valleys I traverse upon. Yet most of us know that the journey of life is often dealing with the commonalities of the daily hum-drum and more often than not characterized by painful precipices or unexpected turns and dark shadows that are confusing, painful, and scary. This is the place Romans and James calls out for patient perseverance, for counting it joy in the trials of life. This is when Faith calls us to look up and hold onto the Hope of our Calling. This is the work of our sanctification. There is purpose in the pain. He has higher, better, purposes for us than we have for ourselves. The LORD does not waver or change like shifting shadows; He is always, always good. (James 1:17) "Every generous act and perfect gift is from the Father of Lights, with Him there is no variation o...
Britt Nicole Feel The Light with Lyrics
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God is doing a new deep transforming work in me. I feel like Eustace in the Narnia series, "The Voyage of the Dawn Treader"... when Eustace turned into a dragon. When he met Aslan, he began trying to rip off the scales of his skin... yet he could not do it completely through his own efforts. He had to lay down and allow Aslan do what seem deathly cruel, rip apart the scaly skin that was his flesh. In that gruesome process, a New Eustace emerged with beautiful fresh skin, and a fresh, vibrant heart. He had a fresh new start... because of the dying process. I am thankful for God's work in me, even though it can be confusing, painful, and even deadly, I know it is His hand that is working in me to transform and renew my heart and mind into His Image. Romans 8:28-32 And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of H...
Ice cream, chai... and all things comforting - or at least some
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At this very moment, I am reclining on my bed, in the middle of the day, the sun is shining in my open window, a breeze is flowing through the house, as Pepper is all sprawled out and snoring under the natural light. I hear birds singing in the trees... a delicious quiet stillness envelopes my house, my room... Sometimes, we just need to listen to the cry of our hearts... the little child inside of us... and allow them to tell us what to do. Reading homework on the swing in the back yard... Getting a soft-serve ice cream cone at McDonalds, eat it as slow as you possibly can with the sunroof open... letting the wind be your orchestra. Drinking a chai... savoring it's warm spicy calming complexities, as you walk through Lowes shopping with your favorite person. Enjoying a warm affectionate hug with your sweetie... in the middle of the pasta section at Publix... just because. Play... laugh, sing and dance. Matthew 18:3 Jesus said, "What I'm about to tell you...
A Domestic Day
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Because I am in need of a little extra fiber... Because I am in a domestic mood today... Because it is an amazingly beautiful October day... Because I promised a fresh loaf of bread to a friend who is having a baby and isn't particularly comfortable in these pregnancy months... Because I wanted my house to smell like fresh bread today... I am baking bread and want to give a few loaves away - they are the smallish size version - like I usually eat a whole little loaf myself seconds after extracting the cute little mouth-watering buns from the oven... The first 3 people who leave a comment on this post... will get a fresh loaf of bread delivered to them today! (DISCLAIMER: YOU HAVE TO LIVE IN COLUMBIA, SC TO WIN)
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Yesterday while I was sitting in church drinking in a profoundly challenging message from John 6, something about it revealed to me the deep need we have to see our need for Jesus. We so desperately try to hide, cover up, mask our depravity, our imperfections. Jesus was revealing what salvation, what truth, what relationship with God requires. You must unmask yourself, in a sense, to know your need of Him. Unmasking is scary. It is revealing! (profound huh!?) Yet, only in unmasking ourselves can we enter into true intimacy. This is a deep, very personal lesson I am experiencing. I did not even realize how hard I have tried to hold a mask over myself especially in regards to human relationships. The problem with a mask is it keeps people out... it blocks intimacy. Love. Relationship.... The things that we were created for.... God longs for this with us... He created us for His glory: for relationship with Him. Sin, a...
Deuteronomy 33:27
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The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms. He will drive out your enemies before you, saying, ‘Destroy them!’ Deut. 33:27 I love that God is my refuge... a very present help, a strong, solid rock. I love that His arms are under me... holding me, assuring me, giving me strength. I love that it is HE that drives our enemies out... destroying them. I love you Lord, You are my strength!
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About a year ago I had the privilege of coordinating a wedding for some dear friends. Something very significant happened in that event. After the hub-bub of getting the wedding party all in line, checking that all the details were in place, the main ceremony unfolded. I stood in the back of the room near the audio booth, and took a deep satisfying breath. As I watched the couple taking their vows, a light of invitation was flashed up in my heart, an invitation to intimate vulnerability. My heart shivered at the incredible possibility. He was inviting me deeper. Was I brave enough to go there? I know I wanted to... He whispered into my being that He was good and strong, I can trust Him because He loves me. Over the past year He has been showing me little by little, proving to me His unfailing love for me; strengthening my heart. Funny how I imagined intimacy before - I don't even know how I imagined it - something more along the lines...
Isaiah 12:1-3
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"In that day you will say: "I will praise you, O LORD. Although you were angry with me (how often we feel He is angry with us...) your anger has turned away (How great is His compassion towards us!) and you have comforted me. (oh, His sweet comfort... Psalm 23 reminder... his Rod & Staff Comfort!) Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and NOT be afraid. The LORD, the LORD, is my strength and my song; He has become my salvation. (I love how we grow into understanding Him as Savior.... day by day, little by little and sometimes by huge leaps and bounds!) With JOY you will draw water from the wells of salvation! (I LOVE THAT PART!) Isaiah 12:1-3 with some afterthoughts from me. :-)
Isaiah 41:18-20
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"I will make rivers flow on barren heights, and springs within the valleys. I will turn the desert into pools of water, and the parched ground into springs. I will put in the desert the cedar and acacia, the myrtle and the olive. I will set junipers in the wasteland, the fir and the cypress together, so that people may see and know, may consider and understand, that the hand of the LORD has done this, that the Holy One of Israel has created it."
What A Year!
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What a great year this has been... I like milestones. I enjoy making a milestone. Stopping, looking behind a bit, observing... listening, rejoicing over what God has done and is doing. Last year I posted the 36 Top Memories post. The year before that I was at the beach with a dear friend. (I think I liked that Birthday location the most!) It is fun and good for my heart to do this. So... bare with me. Here we go again! I love birthdays! I don't necessarily need a big party or lots of attention... though I LOVE little surprises and thoughtful notes and beautiful flowers, but for me it comes down to simply celebrating God's gift of Life. We are all significant to Him... to the God of the Universe, the One who calls the stars by name... He knows us intimately and wants us to know His love and walk with Him. I guess that that is what has been driven home this past year more than anything. God is with me. It i...
Aaron Shust- My Hope Is In You Official Music Video- YouTube.mp4
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I know Aaron... he and his family would visit over the summers of my growing up years. He is so gifted, his heart is true blue. I love his whole family... God Bless You Aaron!! I love this song; Hope has always been a "favorite" word of mine... something me and the Lord know... like, He would put the word in front of me and wink in His heavenly presence me... so this song... sings what my heart has been singing for years and years and it is more alive today than ever!!! I love Him... He is My confidence and My Joy and LIFE. Enjoy, and May your Hope be in Him, the unshakeable ROCK!
Nehemiah 4:14
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I am a little behind this month in posting my Scripture memory verse. My computer dying was the main culprit. My posts are beginning to be few and far between; this does not mean I have nothing to write about, but that I have not had many precious hours to sit, marinate and digest all that is going on.... so much! This last weekend I went to FL. I have much to share on that but for this post, I will post my memory verse... before I do that I have to explain why I chose it. I was so blessed to hear my younger brother preach this past Sunday. Something he shared spawned the significance of my new verse challenge. Romans 6 tells us " Do not offer any part of yourself to sin as an instrument of wickedness, but rather offer yourselves to God as those who have been brought from death to life; and offer every part of yourself to him as an instrument of righteousness." To borrow some of my brother's words, "... the way to freedom is through death..." ...
Super Cool
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Good News I have a New Computer... well, kind of. Bad News... my MAC died, literally... it bit the dust. I did not think MAC's could do that... but I guess nothing is invincible. Remember, The Titanic: never forget it. Nothing is invincible. Except Jesus! So, I have to share... I feel so completely covered by Him. You see... I believe it was a God-thing that my computer died. I had been feeling this growing guilt in my soul over how I was using my computer too much for... nothing. Wasting time, energy... His Time, His Stuff. I was feeling a serious... addiction! I could not make myself stop! So... I asked Him to help me. July 4, my computer died. At first, I felt a little anxiety... I had been working on school stuff! But then, I believe His Spirit moved over my mind and heart and I heard a thought rise. "I am not going to waste emotional energy over this, God's is over it. I will rest in His Care and believe it will be a...
Fourth Fun
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Happy Fourth of July! I believe this day is one of my favorites; over the past few years, it has distinguished itself in my memories. Sailing is one part of the weekend, as well as watermelon, blueberries, some group activities like Contra dancing or hometown festival... and this year it is no different - more or less. :-) This year, this weekend has included a bit of sailing, a bit of hanging with friends, but mostly I have enjoyed a quieter holiday setting my house in order, keeping Sasha company and calm during the exploding flares and bottle rockets in my neighborhood. I do plan on joining my community group tonight for a firework show and traditional fourth food! Kitty is all about the celebrating too... "I think we should shoot some off in the house tonight. Sasha would totally love know, like good therapy, make her face her fears. I am just thinking of what would be good for her..." "Mom, I am not going to smile, I don't care ...
Inconsequential Happenings
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Good Saturday Morning! "You have me in the house, what more do you want?" I love that one of my precious nieces thinks I have the idealistic life: I have a cat and a dog and get to play with them all the time. What a wonderful life in her eyes. :-) I am glad she thinks so.... I can remember thinking something like that when I was her age... no homework, do what I want to do when I want to do it... have as many animals as I want... climb trees until I am ninety and eat mac'n cheese every meal. That is the life! Well, I don't eat mac'n cheese nearly as much as I did as when I was 10... though I do consume a box or two on rare occasions, I do enjoy my animals, I still like a good climbing tree, and adventure calls me to explore, travel, and be spontaneous as much as possible. Ah... but I am not 10 anymore.... *sigh* My house is evidence of a full-time, not-10-any-more, working gal. I am realizing, part of taking care of yourself means providing yourse...