Ice cream, chai... and all things comforting - or at least some

At this very moment, I am reclining on my bed, in the middle of the day, the sun is shining in my open window, a breeze is flowing through the house, as Pepper is all sprawled out and snoring under the natural light.  I hear birds singing in the trees... a delicious quiet stillness envelopes my house, my room...

Sometimes, we just need to listen to the cry of our hearts... the little child inside of us... and allow them to tell us what to do.

Reading homework on the swing in the back yard...

Getting a soft-serve ice cream cone at McDonalds, eat it as slow as you possibly can with the sunroof open... letting the wind be your orchestra.

Drinking a chai... savoring it's warm spicy calming complexities, as you walk through Lowes shopping with your favorite person.

Enjoying a warm affectionate hug with your sweetie... in the middle of the pasta section at Publix... just because.

Play... laugh, sing and dance.

Matthew 18:3  Jesus said, "What I'm about to tell you is true.  You need to change and become like little children.  If you don't, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven."


Latham74 said…
Little moments mean so much, wouldn't you say?? Those little flashes of memory, those snapshots of time that make up a little piece of who you are...

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