Happiness is...

I have this old hymn running through my head tonight.  I remember singing it LOUDLY in my Sunday school classes as a child:

Happiness is to know the Savior
Living a life within His favor,
I love His Favor: "Year of the LORD's Favor" was the Word He gave me in January.  It has been drenched with it.  

Having a change in my behavior
Happinesss is the Lord
He has definitely challenged me in some areas that have brought about transformation.  I love this! His Favor means He never takes His eyes off of me, His heart towards me is ALWAYS GOOD, He never gives up on me and He never fails!

Happiness is a new creation
Jesus in me in close relation
Having a part in His salvation

What a wonderful truth to know more and more that I am made in my Creator's Image!  He designed me to LIVE in, through, and by Him - "close relation!" - I am never alone.  He has made me new in every way, and every day He draws me closer to Him.  AND He invites me to be apart of His Work... How exciting is THAT!!!

Happiness is the Lord
Real joy is mine
No matter if teardrops start,

Oh Yes, REAL LASTING JOY IS MINE! I have experienced different types of joy this year; in the last few weeks I have felt a sustaining joy carry me in the form of peace.  He is my peace and my Rock: what a joy to know I am held in His hands, guided by His Love and enveloped by His care.

I've found the secret --
It's Jesus in my heart!

I hope it is NOT a secret: Jesus lives in me! He is the Mystery that SETS ME FREE!

Happiness is to be forgiven
Can I get an AMEN?!! How sweet to be washed clean, and have all our sins forgiven.  We no longer walk in condemnation but are covered, LAVISHED by His Grace.  How I love Him for this inexpressible gift!

Living the Life that's worth the living
"May we live a life WORTHY OF OUR CALLING!!"  This is a phrase that has been ringing in my soul lately: He calls us HIGHER, to rise UP and Walk with Him, gloriously!

Taking a trip that leads to heaven
This TREK leads into Eternity with Him!!

Happiness is the Lord, Happiness is the Lord
Happiness is the Lord!

I believe I can hear you singing!!! :-)



notpoems said…
wonderful stuff. :-)

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