I have been surprised this week with a Spring Break! I have been pushing through my weeks like a freight train and I did not see this stop coming. What a blessing! As I realized my evenings were clearing out for this week (last week), I anticipated being able to work more during the days - substituting - and enjoying my evenings, sitting on my backyard swing, being home.
So as I geared up to sign up each day to substitute, no jobs were available... no calls, nothing! Then I realized the district in which I work is testing this week. It's a big deal; teachers have to be there and no sub jobs will be posted. Bummer for the loss of income but God has been blessing me, and He knew my body needed rest, my house needed cleaning, and a list of things were waiting to keep me busy. That "list" of things are things that re-energize me, so I have embraced the week. I know He has each day under control. Thanks LORD!
He gave me a special assignment yesterday. I got to accompany a friend up to Greenville, just to keep her company and awake. Greenville always surprises me; it is so beautiful, and cooler than Columbia. It is in the foothills, the terrain gently rolls into the Smokies. I think I could live there. It was a delight to go on a day trip with my friend and BONUS, she treated me to some awesome columbian cuisine. Betsy is an MK who grew up in Columbia, and she felt I needed some introduction and knowledge that there is a delicious difference in mexican food and authentic Columbian delicacies.
OH she was RIGHT. It was Delicioso! (That would be Italian...)
I enjoy early mornings, and Spring in SC beckons an early morning walk. It is nearly impossible to sit inside when there is so much beauty outside, and it is not too hot, and of course, Sasha doesn't mind an extra walk or two during the week. Here are some snapshots I took this morning as we meandered through the neighborhood...
I am pretty excited about this; the city refurbished some badly broken up sidewalks. I would usually have to walk on the road because it was so broken up, cracked and overgrown. Thank You City of Columbia, my tax dollars are going to good use! |
Ah... Wistful Wisteria.... |
I love these older southern homes with huge front porches and a lovely manicured lawn... |
My House, just as the azalea's are about to fully burst on the scene... |
First bloomers... |
Flowers that survived from last year.... I did not inherit my Na-Naw's green thumb... |