Perfect Pose

I had a little fun this morning on my walk.  I was dying to get out in the woods and take my clippers to cut back some vines so when spring REALLY springs I will still be able to find my way through the 100 acre woods.  I took my camera this morning... here are a few shots I got... I did not edit any of these either!!
This was fun.... then guess who popped up on the other side of a big pile of railroad ties...

"Hi Mom! What a cool place to climb!"

"How is this pose, Mom?"
I could not have gotten her to pose more perfectly...

A few flowers are peeking out... the neighborhood is blossoming more, but this is  back in the untouched area... 

We did see a LIVE doe, she was a good size too.... this is remains from a buck...  Not sure what happen to him.


Melanie said…
Ok..thought that I left a comment here!!

Great pic of Sasha!! :D

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