
I don't feel worthy to write this; yet I want to, am compelled to.

Today is Emily Kiersten Rund's Birthday - she is spending it with Jesus, dancing before His Glorious Throne.

I was not one of her closest friends, I can't share lots and lots of memories but I was one who watched her - and the mysterious joy and fun she shared, inspired... created.  I was simply a mentor of sorts, a boss during the summers and a friend during the rest of the time.  I wish I could have known her more...

A few things I did share with her were some priceless conversations over a few home cooked meals, coffee, camp runs and the Florida sunshine on the lake at camp.  Our conversations were deep, full of questions and desire for God, wrestling over life and the things we don't really understand but want to know... I felt I shared her searching Spirit... her longing for Life, hunger for more of what God intended life to be... for clarity... for God Himself.

One thing I saw in her was her total love and acceptance of people... usually the ones most of us overlook.  She lived love.  She gave... oh, my goodness, she gave!! You cannot love someone... and not give.  She did exactly that... I want to be more like that....  She also drew people in... I don't know how she did it but she never came home without a new friend.... I loved that....

She laughed... oh my, and was so creative.  One memory sticks out... the girls I worked with at camp had come by my office... it had been a typical long hot summer day of camp ... they were still clad in their suits, shorts and tanks, wet, sandy and sweaty.... they had been off doing stuff after dinner... probably loading the boats or cleaning up something as that defines a 12 hour camp day... as they left my office, I watched them head to the staff lounge to clock out ... as they walked away... though they were obviously worn from the heat of the sun and work of the day... they cackled over some joke, belted out one of their favorite summer tunes and DANCED as if they were just starting the day instead of finishing it.  I loved watching them.....

So, today... It has been almost four years since Emily was welcomed into Heaven....  we were crushed to see her part... and I still weep as I look over her pictures her mom shares on Facebook... and read the comments of loving friends and family... my heart squeezes and tears still fill my eyes... grief still touches me...  I know it holds her family...

We can't make much since of such an experience... we just miss her.  Her family and friends miss her, we grieve over the pain and loss.  I know... it has changed all of us.

There is a huge hole in our hearts... especially the hearts of her close family and friends... there will always be a hole... and until we see her again, the ache will remain.  This does not mean we will not Live and Love today... but that she is desperately missed and that day will be all that much more glorious!


Melanie said…
What a happy reunion we will have in heaven!
MrsProverbs31 said…
The departed is happy and the left behinders are weepy. Isaiah 57:1.

Thanks for stopping by my blog. It is an encouragement to me.

God bless!
I attended Toccoa Falls College with Emily. We did a ministry to kids together, but I did not know her that well. I left college, and sent 100 people letters. She was the only one to write me back. That meant so much to me. We kept in touch some and every letter and email I treasured. I helped her on missions trip and prayed.

today marks 4 years since she met Jesus. I miss her as we all do. She was a wonderful friend and servant of God.

thanks for your memories and talk of Emily. We will always remember her in our hearts, and one day see her again in Heaven with Jesus forever.

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