Sunshine on my Shoulder

PhotobucketIt was over 60 degrees today and full of SUNSHINE! It was a great day today; I got up and had a short jog/long walk with my Sasha and a friend on my favorite trail here in Columbia. I was HAPPY to have to take off my sweatshirt as we enjoyed the morning - even though it was still in the 30's, it was a beautiful morning. I believe I see hints of green in my yard... grass?! I saw buds birthing... in a few weeks those buds with birth FLOWERS! And... tomorrow... sailing is on the docket. It is suppose to be in the upper 60's, a beautiful sunny day; the sails need some airing out! Amazing what Sunshine does for the Soul!
The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, shining ever brighter till the full light of day. Proverbs 4:18


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