31 Flavors

I am enjoying an end of the summe vacation at the beach. I sit here, in a nice condo, sunbeams falling across the room, facing the atlantic ocean, coffee cup at my side, an open Bible propped on my knees, lingering on what God showed me this morning and enjoying His many blessings.

Among my many blessings, i can't help to marvel over this past summer... God totally surprised me each week. Seriously, like a summer of 31 flavors... i did eat my share of ice cream this summer too, (Thanks Carey!). Each week of the past summer was blessed with such diversity. Between working on my house, completing a summer course, housesitting in North Carolina, babysitting, enjoying friends, working at the farmers market, the beach, sailing, swimming, meeting new people, spending time with dear friends, playing games (my new favorite, telephone dictionary!), going to the mountains for a ladies prayer retreat, playing with Sasha, getting a new roommate, and now this sweet little excursion to Florida... all in all seeing God provide for me over and over.... and totally spoil me, leaves me pretty much speechless.

One of the thoughts that I believe God is highlighting to me this season of my life is His love for me. If our earthly Father loves His children and gives good gifts to them, how much more does our Heavenly (perfect) Father LOVE US and has so many good things to give to us! God has been helping me correct some misconceptions - or shall we say, helped me realize how much I have "missed" His love messages to me. How do we perceive love? He has helped me put on a new perspective to understand His perfect love for and to me. This is bringing healing and renewal to my soul and a new peace over my life. It is very good.

Tomorrow I turn 36; part of me kind of grinches in typing that... but as i get over the thought "36! I am not married, no kids, still working on "becoming" someone!!" I am SO thankful for HIS faithfulness to me, His patience with me, and His Perfect Love for me. No regrets, no shame, a beautiful adventure everyday! He is good and I am His. Thank You Lord!


Happy Birthday my "twin" friend!! We are in very different seasons of life it is true....but, I am so thankful to God that we met this summer! You are a beautiful, godly lady and our Heavenly Father is doing an awesome work in you! I can't wait to see what happens next! Love you much - have a GREAT day tomorrow!!

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