Warm Breezes

How thankful I am to feel the warm spring breezes blow through the house today....Oh how tired I have grown of the coldness. I know, it wasn't as intense as they have had out west or in the Northeast, but it was still more bitterly cold than I am use to and I was getting weary of the cold days.

Trees and bushes are starting to bloom...it is so pretty. I love Spring. A few years ago, a friend of mine gave me a note on the first day of Spring; I don't think I have stopped before that day to notice the official first day of Spring but it loved the thought - winter is OVER and NEW Life is bursting forth!!! Time to celebrate Easter - Our Risen Lord has conquered Death!!! What a WONDERFUL TIME OF YEAR!!! Old things are made NEW! Yes!! So, I want to be more mindful of this time of year; anyone want to have a SPRING PARTY?

I had a good day today; little things made it nice - waking up early, enjoying the morning sky, rollerblading with Sasha, meeting a friend for coffee - having a nice visit, being encouraged - yes, it has been a gift from the Lord!

"Rejoice in the Lord, Always, again I say, Rejoice." I don't know if that is an exact quote from Philippians, but that is what comes to mind.....Good night all!


Anonymous said…
rejoicing with you...

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