Pawn has been moved

Many are in a place of disbelief this morning or sadness or just numbness, some are excited for the political page that has turned. I was pushing for the McCain ticket. I have to admit, I too feel a little apprehension; what will our country look like in four years? 8 years? All of this makes me feel thankful our country is the way it is: we have a power few others have. Just as Jesus said in the parables of the Kingdom; the smallest of seeds grows into the most majestic of trees! Great things come from small beginnings.

I am actually a bit excited this morning. We are at a point where we must not look to our leaders for freedom, we must look to the Lord. I know many, many who already do this - PRAISE THE LORD! But it is time we pull in tighter and pray more fervently; a time of refining has come. God is our King. The times are in His Hands; We can rejoice in that! We are in interesting times and that is exciting!

Also, I look at the annuals of history....and see the MANY many times when all seemed lost, dark, doomed, YET...the LIGHT of the Truth was never extinquished. Never! Unfortunately, the Word says things will get worse...but we are to stay strong. So, a pawn in time as been moved, a new page has turned; how will He use this? "For such a time as this..." We know God is still in Control.

John 16:33 "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."

PS - I must give credit to Mardy for the word picture of a "pawn" -I instantly saw it was true, but that idea did not come originally from me. Mardy is one of the wonderful women of God that I look up to and laugh a lot with...

PPS - I was greatly encouraged from LPM blog for Nov. 4-5. I encourage you to read that and join us in prayer for Barack Obama and his family and the nation. This is an opportunity for the Body of Christ to show her beauty through her character.


Cook Family said…
That is very true. I am glad we can be sure it is in God's hand, and is God's will, no matter what.
I'm sorry that I missed seeing you this week! -Joseph Cook
Rebekah said…
I love you last sentence. It is so true!
Anonymous said…
He is trustworthy!! Good to see you on Friday. Thankful I can keep up with you via your blog.

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