Blessed are those whose strength is in the LORD,
who have set their hearts on pilgrimage.
On the way to AFTER...
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Here is my livingroom - the window treatments still need updating, the lace will have to do for now. The walls are "lunar Tide" a very soft green, a fresh green.
God amazes me over and over and over!!!! My Cup Overflows!! (yes, i am excited and MUST use those exclamation points!) This would be me... on Myrtle Beach; it was MUCH COLDER than I anticipated.... note the few layers of clothing I am sporting. I was extremely thankful my wool footies made it in my suitcase... when your feet are warm and dry, it makes the dreadful cold bearable. :-) I attended a retreat this weekend and it wasn't so much that it was a power-packed event but that I saw His hand pulling pieces of Words, Truth, glimpses of treasures of Himself, in His Word together. Almost as if all the things He has been bringing to my heart and mind over the last year culminated this weekend into a blast of understanding and eye-opening revelation! Saturday was the main day for me; Friday, God was whispering to me, "prepare your heart." (Note previous blog post!) As I looked down into my soul, my heart was gripping something that was out of my contro...
My soul finds rest in God alone, My Rock and my salvation, A fortress strong against my foes, And I will not be shaken. Though lips may bless and hearts may curse, And lies like arrows pierce me, I’ll fix my heart on righteousness, I’ll look to Him who hears me. O praise Him, hallelujah, My Delight and my Reward; Everlasting, never failing, My Redeemer, my God. Find rest, my soul, in God alone Amid the world’s temptations; When evil seeks to take a hold I’ll cling to my salvation. Though riches come and riches go, Don’t set your heart upon them; The fields of hope in which I sow Are harvested in heaven. O praise Him, hallelujah, My Delight and my Reward; Everlasting, never failing, My Redeemer, my God. I’ll set my gaze on God alone, And trust in Him completely; With every day pour out my soul, And He will prove His mercy. Though life is but a fleeting breath, A sigh too brief to measure, My King has crushed the curse of death And I am His forever. O praise Him, hallelujah, M...
Hello Everyone! I have to send out a HUGE THANKS to you all who have been praying for me this week. As you know from a previous post, i started teaching this week in a new school. I have the wonderful privilege of teaching two subjects i love: History and Bible!! I was quite apprehensive about this position as it is in a public school - and it is an "inner city" school as well. You don't exactly want to take an evening stroll around this area. God has totally blessed me this week....for one, i have a wonderful peace in my heart and mind. It is my tendency to get quite worked up and stressed about preparing and having my stuff together....for teaching. I am a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to my classroom. As i prepared for this endeavor, i rediscovered my love for history! I have a degree in history...but it has been a while since i have gotten to teach it. was like watching an exciting thriller before me as i prepared...and i could not wait to...