Retreat Time

Psalm 84 speaks of the lovely dwelling place of our Lord and the psalmist speaks of his longing to be there!  Through Christ, the mystery of God in us is revealed.  We are the Temple of the Holy Spirit - what a profound truth to meditate upon!  Yet I personally find a need in me to pull away from the stresses of life, to a quiet, lovely place, to meet with God and to be encouraged by His truth and to be with people who long for Him as well, who have been in places of this journey that I am crawling through now, who have wisdom to help me walk through with greater confidence and joy, to strengthen me to press on and up.  We were not meant to walk this life alone.  So, though i meet with My Lord each day, i love it when i can literally pull away and escape with sisters in Christ and be covered with love, encouragement, good food, laughter, and shared tears.  It is one of the most precious treasures of this life!

So, tomorrow, my sister in love and i head to the mountains!  I look forward to sharing what God does during this precious time, if i can!  Sometimes it is too vulnerable to share on this blog!  But, if God wants me to share it - I will! Happily so!


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