My Brothers

Here I sit, tears streaming down my face - it is not often that a teacher will sit in her classroom, so touched by the content of her subject that the heart is touched, triggering a memory. It is one of the richest moments to experience.

I teach history, American history to be precise. Today we finished watching a video about WWI and the devastation the world experienced through that travesty. As I have walked with my students through this time period, my memory has been stirred. A memory floats up from a book in the "Anne of Green Gables" series - of which i was a huge fan. My favorite in the series was the final book, "Rilla of Ingleside." For those who are familiar with Anne, Rilla was Anne's youngest daughter. This story took place during the early 1900's and WWI weaves into the story in a fantastic way. (you must read it!)

Anyhow, I identified with Rilla in a special way. She had a very special relationship with her brother - very much like my brother and I had when i was a teenager. I don't want to spoil the story but in the book, Rilla's brother hears the call to go to war and is lost "somewhere in France." I remember reading this part of the book and weeping as I could so put myself in Rilla's shoes, as if it were my brother, whom I was so very close too. I felt i was going through the grief myself. Losing him would be beyond my imagination.

I am so rich....God has given me so much. As i pulled up that story on the internet and read this chapter again - I was touched again. My brother is still very precious to me...though life has taken us down different roads. We had something so very special when we were growing up. God was doing a wonderful work in both of us, at the same time. We held each others hand, sharing experiences and hearts, looking ahead with excitement, we danced together to music that both of us heard...from Heaven's orchestra.

Our world is an uncertain place...but with our God we are unshaken. I am so thankful for the love and beauty He gives us along our journeys - that make our experience here on earth beautiful. I love you my brother - all my brothers - I thank the Lord for each of you.


Melanie said…
Very sweet! I love my family. I speak to my brothers and sisters once a week to make sure that we keep up with each other. Of course..texting..has also been awesome! It is so easy to loose touch with living so far away from each other. I find that my relationship with all of them has gotten so much better than when we were kids..I LOVE it!!

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